To help us estimate how long your non-property wealth (cash, investments, pensions etc.) is likely to last, we need to ask a few questions about your retirement goals.
This should include any liquid investments such as ISAs, unit trusts, general investment accounts, investment bonds, investment trusts and individual shares.
This should include any National Savings & Investments (NS&I) products, fixed term bonds, cash ISAs and current, notice or any other type of savings accounts.
In retirement, how much money (after tax) do you need to maintain your desired lifestyle?
Your investments can go up and down and you may not get back the full amount invested.
Our calculations are based on assumed rates of inflation, savings, investments and earnings growth each year.
Please note: The results of these calculations are for illustrative purposes (based upon the information you have provided, and the assumptions stated), and do not constitute any individual advice. Investments are not guaranteed, both the capital and any income derived from them can both rise and fall, and you may get back less than you currently invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future return. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) does not regulate cash flow planning.